Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 28, 2007

Ya know what really sucks?

When your precious little kid is labeled with these 3 diagnoses:

1. Feeding disorder of infancy
2. Gastro-esophageal reflux
3. Failure to thrive

I ordered 2 crates of pediasure from a new company today and had to get a letter from her pediatrician stating the need for them so we could get reimbursed...

He sent a letter stating those 3 diagnoses and its so sad to see it in print...


Laura said...

it is disconcerting to see this in print....btdt...but if it gets you the services, matrials and therapies necessary to enhance your child's growth and development then i am all for it...having btdt and still doing it.
hope the pediasure helps.

Jennifer said...

Doesn't seem to be doing too much at this point... I just hope switching her over to it full time will help - I'm afraid of it not considering she's twice as active now but we're doing what we can and thats all anyone can ask of us right?